Children who Grow up With Jam with Jamie

There is nothing that I love more than seeing your children grow with us, and sharing the love of music in such a formative stage of life.

Music has an incredible impact on enhancing all areas of child development. It helps the body and the mind work in sync. It is my strong belief that music is a language, and one of the best ways of communicating and interacting with children. Children who get exposure to music early in life develop literacy skills, and even learn the meaning of words.

In the toddler and preschool years, our classes begin school readiness and set the foundation for intellectual and social-emotional interaction in groups.

These facts continue and prove themselves in statistics later in childhood, too:
– High schools with music programs have a significantly higher graduation rate, 90%, compared to schools without, 73%.
– Standardized test scores are higher for children with music education.
– Playing an instrument makes children more accepting of constructive criticism, according to a piece in the Wall Street Journal.

Erika Soto, one of our amazing Miami customers, hosts parties for her entire community. Her generosity spurs from watching her own child, Ava, adore Jam with Jamie since she was a newborn.

Keeping music a consistent part of your child’s routine has immense benefits, and we have witnessed the formation of this first hand. Here is what our performer Andrez has to say about this experience.

“I’ve been singing to Naomi since she was born and at two years old, she’s curious about instruments, sings with her full chest and dances with me in front of everyone. Music is as natural as breathing, if you let it be ❤️.”

Jam with Jamie has been around since 2008. That means our youngest students are now in 10th grade! Now that’s a fact that blows my mind. I am beyond grateful for the amount of children and families we have been able to inspire to bring more music into their lives and to seek out the joyous moments as much as possible. What an honor it is to provide this service to families, this experience for kids that have a little musician inside of them waiting to shine, and this opportunity for our performers to share their love and talent with the next generation.

FUN FACT A mother’s voice is a babies favorite voice no matter your skill because it is the first voice they ever heard? So, sing more to your kiddos! They’ll love it and maybe even sing along with you. (Doesn’t apply to overly opinionated children over 3 😂)

With love,


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