Fun Ways to Create New Year’s Resolutions with Your Kids

Fun Ways to Create New Year’s Resolutions with Your Kids

new year's resolution
new year's resolution

Let’s face it- creating New Year’s Resolutions can be stressful especially when you know by the end of the month they will most likely be forgotten. However, New Year’s Resolutions can be fun AND long-lasting…when done as a family.  Here are some practical ways to help your kids make attainable resolutions for the New Year.

  1. Be the Resolution Role Model

You know the old adage, “practice what you preach”? Well, this is where it most certainly applies. Hang your own resolutions to the Fridge! Kids look to you to know how to approach the task and let’s face it, they are the best accountability partner. They will make sure you put the chocolate bar down (they will gladly take that chocolate bar off your hands) and remind you to get in your steps for the day!

  1. Keep a positive approach to resolutions

Starting over can be fun- especially when it comes to a whole spankin new year ahead of you! Keep it light and bright for your kids with the endless possibilities of what they can achieve in a whole 12 months! Start by having your kids think about what they couldn’t do last year that they can do this year.  Next, look ahead and ask, “What are some of the great things you want to do this year? What do you want to improve? What will make your life better and happier?”

  1. Suggest a positive resolution that will keep your child invested

You know that Pokemon craze that isn’t going anywhere? Use that as a resolution. Say your child loves to trade Pokemon cards as much as mine does, make it fun! Say, a New Year’s Resolution can be to organize those Pokemon Cards every 3 or 4 weeks – keeping the ones they like and trading the ones they don’t like to keep the pile and stack semi-neat until the next trade off.

  1. Throw in a S.M.A.R.T. goal or two!

Encourage goals that are within their reach, so they don’t get discouraged. Some realistic resolutions for kids might be “I’m going to keep my room neater,” “I’m going to be a better friend,” or “I’m going to get better at tennis.” Even these are broad resolutions that need to be broken down into doable, step-by-step pieces.

  1. Don’t forget the fun!

Intentionally plan milestone celebrations when those resolutions are being met consistently. Best practice would be to plan a fun family outing in March after 3 months of everyone working together towards their resolutions. The next celebration can be sooner or following another 3 months after. Use a calendar on the fridge and make it a fun countdown! Cross out each day that passes by or have your child add a sticker to that date as a way to mark yet another goal met for until the celebration half mark point!

Need more family-friendly ideas? Check out the blog.

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