our morning routine jamie kolnick mom of three

Our Morning Routine as a Family of Five

I always wonder how everyone else makes it through the morning scramble. So, here I am being vulnerable and sharing first how I make it through. If you’re new here, welcome! I am Jamie, and I’m the founder of Jam With Jamie – a children’s music entertainment & education company. Most of the time, you can find me and my team entertaining at kids birthday parties or hosting music classes at different venues across the country. I believe in being transparent and having fun with life, so on this blog you’ll find snippets of my life as a Mom, products I am loving, and a little humor to help you get through the day. I am a mom of three, and love to connect with other working Moms working on their own dream life. If you haven’t already, reach out on IG and say Hi! I always try to answer everyone in the DMs.

Okay, on to the reality show look into our morning routine:

6:45 – I hear Zoey yelling mama, she’s standing up in her crib and ready to GO.

7:00am – I peel Evan off of me and roll out of bed to get Zoey. I question how much I really slept, what’s sleep anymore?

7:10am – I set Zoey in her Lalo high chair and start a pot of coffee. I am loving our new subscription from Go Get Em Tiger. They have the cutest coffee shops! Have you been there yet?

7:10-7:30am – I make Zoey breakfast (strawberries and scrambled eggs) and try to do a little tidying before the boys get up. I have this problem where I start cleaning and organizing when I’m supposed to be doing anything else, then I do a quick scroll of Instagram which I’m definitely not supposed to be doing at this point but keeping it real.

7:30am – The boys eat frozen pancakes or waffles, sometimes homemade depends on the week, scrambled eggs and yogurt. Evan loves to help me crack the eggs, and I think this tower is one of my favorite investments because it makes the ‘helping cook’ so much safer and less stressful. Zach usually has homework (first grade, I know!) so we make sure it’s in his folder and ready to go.

Around 7:45am – Zach and Evan start having a Pokémon or Beyblade competition as I yell at them to finish their breakfast and brush their teeth and stop playing with toys I remind them of their morning routine chart which helps keep us all on track.

By this time, Zoey is done with breakfast and I’ve set her up playing with one of her three favorite toys right now:
This Tea Set
Ukulele (Gunna’ be a Jammer just like Mama!)

7:50am I quickly throw on my clothes and do a once over with my curling iron which I swear by!

8:05am – We are out the door to drop off at the boy’s school. On the way, I let them pick the music and their current pick is numberblocks (Evan) or Fight Song because they’re learning it with their choir at school

8:15am On the way home, I either hop on an early touch-base with Aliya, my partner-in-crime at Jam with Jamie, or I listen to music I actually like (check out my Spotify favorites playlist here…)

The day has finally begun after the morning madness and I can focus on work and all the other shenanigans!

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