Spooktacular Performances: Jam With Jamie’s Halloween Jams

At Jam with Jamie, we absolutely love performing at schools and local events nationwide. Performing at schools and local events is a unique and rewarding experience for us. It’s a chance to connect with students, employees, and the wider community, creating lasting memories through music and entertainment. Whether it’s getting little ones to sing along to their favorite nursery rhymes or turning a corporate gathering into a full-blown dance party, we thrive on the energy and excitement of these events- especially with our unforgettable Halloween jams!

One of our standout performances was a Halloween event with an elementary school, where we pulled out all the stops to create a spooky, musical extravaganza that had everyone in stitches of laughter and bewitched by the music! The jam included spooky twists on some of our favorite classic children’s songs: from Old MacDonald’s Haunted Farm to Down by the Spooky Bay. We rode the Halloween Train and then went round and round on the goblin filled bus, rocked hard to Monster Boogie and Monster Mash. Trust us, this set is a real Thriller and will definitely Put a Spell on You!

This event was just one shining example of the incredible experiences we’ve had on this journey.

If you’re looking to add a touch of magic and music to your school or event, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We’d love to help you create a memorable and entertaining experience that will leave your audience talking about the fun they had for years to come.

Until next time, keep jammin’ and making memories!


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