Ways to Stay Connected With Friends as a Busy Mom

Let’s face it, being a mom is like running a 24/7 startup with the world’s most demanding (but adorable) clients. Between diaper changes, school runs, and finding that missing shoe (seriously, where do they go?), it’s easy for our friendships to take a backseat. But here’s the thing: our women friendships fuel us, help us be more productive, and keep us sane. They’re our panel of trust, our executive board (as one of my friend groups has coined it), and they deserve to be a priority.

Here are some ways I stay connected with my friends, even when life gets chaotic:

1. Play Games like Mah Jongg or Canasta: Who says games are just for kids? If you know me, you know that a part of my self care is making time to play Mah Jongg with my friends. We will get together after school/camp drop off and play for a couple hours and get lunch a couple times a month or get together at night. There are always snacks and drinks, lots of laughs and fun. It is the perfect way to bring a group of friends together, mingle and also get that noggin’ going!

2. Intentionally Plan Coffee or Lunch Dates: Spontaneity might be a thing of the past, but intentionality is your new best friend. Plan coffee or lunch dates in advance. Put them on your calendar like you would a doctor’s appointment. This way, you have something to look forward to, and it’s harder to cancel when life gets hectic. Remember, a latte with a friend is like a mini-vacation for your sanity and I find it helps my productivity to ensure that I make space for the free time with my girls.

3. Give Friends a Break if They Don’t Respond Right Away: Let’s be real: life happens. Kids get sick, work deadlines loom, and sometimes, we just forget. If a friend doesn’t respond right away, give her a break. We’re all juggling a million things. Instead of getting frustrated, send a funny meme or a supportive message. Trust me, she’ll appreciate the understanding!

5. Text Group Chats Always for the Win: Group chats are the lifeline of mom friendships. I am sure you have a million going on right now between iMessage and WhatsApp (and maybe have a bunch silenced – cue team sports game chats), but if you don’t – jump on it, start a chat with a few friends or even a few new friends. Create a group chat and keep the conversation flowing. Share everything from kid updates to venting sessions about the latest parenting fail. It’s like having a support group in your pocket. Plus, it’s the easiest way to stay connected with friends worldwide.

6. Sweat it Out Together: Working out with a friend is like having a built-in accountability partner and cheerleader. Whether it’s a yoga class or a run in the park, sweating it out together makes exercise more fun and less of a chore. I’ve also found that it’s more likely that I stick to my fitness goals when I have a friend by my side pushing me to go that extra mile. Not to mention, the post-workout coffee or mani/pedi date is a great reward and another chance to catch up.

7. Plan Vacations Together: Why not take it a step further and plan a vacation together? Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a full-blown family trip, spending quality time away from the daily grind can strengthen your bond. Just imagine: the kids are occupied with each other, and you get to enjoy some uninterrupted adult conversation. Paradise, right?

8. Dinners and Beyond: Don’t underestimate the power of a simple dinner party. Rotate hosting duties among your friend group and make it a regular event. It doesn’t have to be fancy—pizza and wine count, too. The goal is to spend time together, not to win a Michelin star.

9. Start a Book Club: Starting a book club with your friends is a great way to ensure regular meet-ups and stimulating conversation. Choose a book that interests everyone, set a date, and enjoy discussing it over snacks and drinks. My friends and I rotate hosting each month. And, let’s be honest, it’s not just about the book – it’s about spending time together, sharing insights, and maybe even relating the book’s themes to our own lives. Plus, it’s a great excuse to read something other than bedtime stories!

10. Children’s Music Classes with Friends: Looking for a fun way to bond with friends and entertain the kids? Gotta give myself a plug! Set up a children’s music class with Jam with Jamie. It’s a fantastic opportunity to gather your mom friends and their kids for a joyful interactive musical experience. The little ones will love the music, and you’ll enjoy the time spent with your friends, creating wonderful memories together!

Friendships are a crucial part of self-care. Our women friendships fuel us and help us be more productive. They are our emotional safety net, our sounding board, and sometimes, our sanity savers. Staying connected with friends as a busy mom might take a bit of effort and planning, but it’s worth it. These relationships are the foundation of our emotional well-being and deserve to be nurtured. So, schedule that coffee date, start that group chat, and plan that getaway. Your executive board awaits!

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